"A Flight of Spotted Sandpipers Startles the Springtime Egg Hunters" by Pat Minock. This colorful piece shows an Alaskan springtime scene, as the snow begins to melt.
Dimensions:18.25" x 16" x 3/4"
$ 82.90
$ 63.77
"A Flight of Spotted Sandpipers Startles the Springtime Egg Hunters" by Pat Minock. This colorful piece shows an Alaskan springtime scene, as the snow begins to melt.
Dimensions:18.25" x 16" x 3/4"
$ 49.00
$ 76.95
$ 59.19
$ 70.00
$ 35.00
$ 63.08
$ 48.52
$ 78.34
$ 60.26
$ 80.03
$ 61.56
$ 43.00
$ 86.83
$ 66.79
$ 41.00
$ 85.61
$ 65.85